February commissions are open! Limited slots. Special Valentine's day discounts is available.
Click HERE to learn more!


Commission typeFlat colouredShadedNSFWExtra character
Monochrome headshot sketch10€/11$-+10€/11$+100%*
Monochrome half-body sketch15€/16$-+13€/14$+100%*
Monochrome fullbody sketch18€/19$-+15€/16$+100%*
Full illustrations*base price: 100€/109$ +80€/87$+50%
Reference sheets*base price: 80€/87$ +60€/65$-

+100%* - added to thebase price.Full illustrations* - includes character that interferes with a background.Reference sheets* - includes flat fullbody, shaded headshot, additional props (weapon, accessories, etc.) if needed and info about the character.

1. Payment method: PayPal, Revolut, nitro, kofi.2. Payment is only accepted upfront. In case of an emergency the artist will send You an invoice.3. Prices are stated only in two currencies (EUR, USD). When converting your currency to either of previously mentioned, please consider that PayPal's conversion system differs from Google's.4. Please state a specific deadline if one is needed. Order's without one may take different amounts of time depending on complexity, artist's personal schedule and other factors.5. Commercial use's fee is +100% on top of negotiated price.
5.1 Under commercial u..se category falls:
- Publicly used banner, profile pictures (e.g. public Discord server, YouTube, Instagram)
- Publicly used stickers, layouts, (e.g. Twitch, public Discord servers)
- Character art used for social media (VTuber models, concept art for publicly displayed media)
6. Prices will not change depending on your budget. Anything sent extra will be considered a tip unless sent by accident. Please remember that any extra euros in small amounts will not be sent back due to PayPal's fee. Be cautious when sending money.7. All prices already include approximate PayPal's fee.





NEW discounts

Ship Art
On any couple/ship art
order you get 34% off!
This offer is unlimited.
To activateuse promocode: Love Is Tangerines
Ends on 20th February

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